2009 : My Utopia vs 2008 : filmplus.org/RU
Revoke The Games
* anatolant.livejournal.com

Their Paradise is know, any travel agency will show you how it looks like. [images] But how does it look my Eden?

antohin.wordpress.com -- ?


2008-2009 : new portal RU : по-русски

... Старые и новые "проекты.ру"

No-Kremlin and Anti-Kremlin (Kremlin is not Russia)

... New Russian? Well, Russian(s) without Russia.


There is and will be Russia without Russians.

"org" as "organization"?

... Common knowledge that Americans are Individualist, and Russian Idea is the communal... Well, I speak of a single soul and than the story is different. newamerican.biz is about society, newrussian.org -- about one.

My Russia is the aristocratic idea.

Russian Idea in Africa?

I am a dream...

| I am trying to build my Utopia since 1998. I didn't know at first what I am doing. When did I realize that I making my ideal home? 2005? 2007? What was the day when I understood that my webpages are indeed my only place?
Почему "Новый Русский"? NEW:

Pictures, images, sounds -- help, please! No help, only I could know how it looks like.

... "Привычно любить родину, кусок пространства, где ты появился на свет. И почему -то никогда не говорят о любви к своему времени. Люблю наше время, удивляюсь ему, страдаю за него, страдаю от него и хочу, хочу счастливых в нем перемен!
А возможно ли повлиять на время? Да, вмешавшись в естественный ход развития. Да, внося элемент искусственности в стихийные события. Да, усилиями разума! Меня теперь жестоко мучает этот вопрос."
(В.Ф.Тендряков, "Покушение на миражи")
[ forum on grani-tv.ru ]

... and Project 2009

u21.us -- Utopia Project.

filmplus.org/anatoly vs. filmplus.org/ethio

anatoly, anatolant, ant...


vids | sounds | pix

Too late -- I am trying to make sense anymore.

... anatoly.groups.live.com for u21.us [ U = you = Utopia ]

filmplus.org/frussia/newrussian.org [en]

In Russian :

2008 -- First Year of my Russian Reader's Digest

picasa 2007 pix-guide

videos [ru] filmplus.org/kino

Before "Century of Antohins" -- Father-Russian & Russian American Theatre Archives

Theatre (Russia-related pages) : Names, Titles, Shows


... dreams.vtheatre.net [ new ]

Photobucket Georgia as Russian Mirror